My Pure·Look – NMB48′s 3rd & 4th ROUND1 CMs

I always have a fondness for the NMB ROUND1 CM and luckily two new ROUND1 CMs featuring NMB48 have been released. The 3rd CM once again features the NMB48 members as ROUND1 employees, cheering on the patrons enjoying all the fun, different activities found at ROUND1. And the 4th CM features the members back in bowling pin attire with Kuidaore Taro. Needless to say, NMB48 always makes ROUND1 look amazing.

Both CMs feature a preview of NMB48’s 4th single Nagiichi playing in the background. It sounds a little generic on first listen, but I’m liking it more and more now.

Screencaps and video after the jump.

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